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Nearly 100 mothers have taken part both online and in-person. Read about their experience in their words. 

Online Programme Testimonials

It was much, much more valuable to me than just any baby class. It connected me with my creativity and myself at a time when nothing else did. 

I was a little bit terrified when I signed up as someone who had not done creative writing since school, but having taken part I wish every mother had the opportunity to be part of a group like this. These conversations about motherhood are so important, and it feels like no-one else is having them. 

What I liked most was the sharing of experiences with other mothers. The group was so honest and frank about their journeys, including the lesser discussed negative emotions that motherhood brings. 

The New Mothers’ Writing Circle was an incredible support network and every week I logged off feeling more capable than I had when I logged in.

I really enjoyed the focus on creativity. At a time in your life where everything becomes about the practicalities of being responsible for a small human it was so wonderful to set aside an hour or two a week to create.

I valued that the focus was the mums and not the kids. 

Catrin created a supportive space where participants felt comfortable to share their opinions, experiences and writing without judgment. 

The technical side was flawless, we always had the log-ins and extracts sent before each session which wasted no time. 

The nicest thing for me was the sense of community fostered within the group - it felt a very supportive and non-judgemental ‘safe space’ to air thoughts and observations about motherhood which was lovely and much needed.

I found the actual writing exercises stimulating right from the start, but they became more and more profound for me as we went along. I use writing in my professional life but had been wondering whether it was something I would go on with at all. It really seemed impossible. I feel that not only has the group brought my confidence back, but that I’m a much better writer now. I am surprised to find how much I believe in myself. 

It was so valuable having so many weeks. It seemed like a lot when I signed up but I’m so glad.

I valued the chance to connect with other mums through our experiences, but also through other people's words.

Loved the WhatsApp group too - kept us all connected between sessions and beyond the course. 

Catrin was so personable too and I can't thank her enough. Already suffering from my mental health, becoming a new mum was so tough and having the group as a constant gave me something to look forward to. 

The New Mothers’ Writing Circle will always be dear to me. As a new mum you often get baby massage, playgroups etc but nothing for the mums. This makes this group so unique in that this was time for me (and my baby) but mainly for me to have some time to do something I enjoy. 

[I loved] the connections with other new mums, sharing experiences, making friends & how relaxed it was. My baby had colic and reflux and I was worried she'd just cry and want me the whole time but I was so reassured that I quickly discovered there was no need to worry. 

The fact my baby could join was reassuring - it was absolutely fine if your baby cried, need fed or anything. Such a relaxed class where I didn't have to worry that my colic baby was going to scream. As a new mum I needed it more than you'll know 

In-person Programme Testimonials

It is the first thing I have done for myself since having a baby, and the first place I have felt visible as myself, not just someone's mum.

I've learned I need to be more honest to myself and others about my emotions. I've learned I do have rage. I just needed the encouragement to show it.

When I was struggling during the week, I’d think of this group and draw strength.

My partner said to me, ‘You’re different now’. He'd noticed that I was happier and less anxious since I joined the group. It’s had massively positive effects on me and my life.

Engaging in this programme may well serve you in new and beautiful ways you don't yet know.

The New Mothers’ Writing Circle gave me a sense of purpose amongst the endless demands of motherhood, a time for me to do something for myself.

I have also found this group has helped release the fear of failure I have around writing.

I hadn't done any writing since [my child's birth] because so much of what I was feeling and thinking felt too dark and ugly to write about. I was too afraid to write things down that I might look back at and think, 'I'm a horrible person'. Hearing from other people at the writer's group made me feel less alone and less insane. It really helped me look back at the very rough beginning bits and find some beautiful moments.

I was often surprised at what rose to the surface; emotions, feelings and thoughts that I hadn’t  processed and was completely unaware were buried inside, desperate to be released. The group was an incredibly supportive space to do this.

Having it in my mind to write down my feelings each week really helped me to document what can at times feel like a big blur. I know I'll value being able to look back on these records of what it really felt like, when time has passed and it feels more hazy.

It made me feel connected to a global motherhood, part of a movement.

I’ve learnt to believe in myself as a parent, that I’m good enough, doing my best and no mum is perfect. I’ve learnt that being a mum is just hard at times and that’s not me failing, it’s just how it is! 

That first session was as if a hand had reached out and grabbed me, lifting me up and my spirits… I felt lighter.

I’ve learnt about motherhood from other cultural and personal perspectives too, widening my understanding of this huge life changing event.

It's been a way of sharing experiences and hearing from other mothers that I'm not alone with my experience, but I didn't feel I had to share every detail of my traumatic experience, since the focus was on addressing the subject of motherhood in a much more creative way.

I have learned that my creativity is still there, it's just taken a different form since the birth of my baby. This is a big one for me since my creativity is central to my job and the fear I might have lost my creativity has been very real since I became a mother.

The reflective nature of the discussions in the group really left me considering my approach to mothering long after every session.

Attending this shortly after the birth of my third baby, although perhaps aimed at first time mothers, I found huge value in reflecting on my entire family and how I grow through motherhood. It can be assumed that by baby no.3, everything is in place but having the opportunity to reflect, write and at times discuss the challenges of the change in my family dynamic, has been incredibly helpful.

I have [also] learned many of my less attractive feelings around motherhood such as rage and overwhelm are commonly experienced. I do still carry considerable guilt around my expectations vs reality of motherhood but discussion of the weekly topics has helped with that.

Hearing lots of motherhood perspectives that cut right to the centre of topics rather than baby small talk is so refreshing and nourishing.

There were so many layers to the course and I would say that it was far greater than the sum of its parts. 

I’ve learned that I am capable of more than I think I am, even when I’m at my most anxious. I’ve learned that writing is a great way to process the emotional challenges I’m facing and is something I can do to help myself.

The circle element was the most wonderful; having the opportunity to see and be seen by other new mums, listening to the most raw and vulnerable stories and sharing those that you haven’t even admitted to yourself was just beautiful.

You’ll experience such amazing things through this course: you’ll encounter other mums who are as strong, messy, vulnerable, compassionate, confused, tired, curious as you. You’ll have a safe space to learn about the things you might be finding difficult, to experience wonderful writing on motherhood from a diverse range of authors, as well as to write for yourself and explore your own mind and creativity.

I learned things about myself, in the company of other mothers who understood. It was also the kick I needed to get me writing again, and stop making excuses about not having time. The idea of 'shitty first drafts' was hugely helpful, and encouraged me to start jotting thoughts, feelings and observations in the notes of my phone, often while 'nap trapped.’

Sharing with the group is optional and there's no pressure, but it feels amazing when you do - even if it might feel slightly scary at first.  

Through readings and conversation it gave me a language to articulate my feelings and experience as a mother. It was a safe space to explore emotions which otherwise we may suppress due to them being undesirable in society.

This space removes all prejudice and preconceived notions. You are first and foremost a mother and within this group you meet such a special group of women all going through similar experiences.

During the 8 weeks that I’ve been part of the circle I was diagnosed with OCD. My experience of being able to push through the discomfort of being at the earlier sessions proved to me that I was able to challenge my safety behaviours, giving me a more effective start to my treatment. It has given me the mental space to zoom out of the current stage I’m at to appreciate the evolution in my personality and identity, which has been empowering.

Being part of this group has been a genuine lifesaver during one of the most challenging periods of my life. The community and careful facilitation has helped me to get my head above water and to begin to heal. It has been the best thing I’ve done for myself during my maternity leave by far.

I learnt a lot about women from various cultures, how they feel about motherhood and how they navigate it. Although we belong to different cultures, there is a lot of similarity that helps us understand each other as women and mothers.

The New Mothers' Writing Circle gave me a sense of community that I couldn’t find anywhere else. It was a privilege to have dedicated time each week to talk with other women, from different backgrounds, about our shared experiences of motherhood. I feel very connected to these women in a profound way.

Catrin has created a radical space for thinking about the identity and politics of motherhood. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, or lonely, or anxious, the writing circle is a place you can come to, free from judgment, and feel seen and supported.

I loved that the Writing Circle was a ‘no sorry’ space.

Being part of the programme has changed my own perception of myself and my aspirations for me and my baby. I feel more emotionally literate having been part of this programme.

I feel that the group enhanced my life in so many ways. It allowed me space and time to consider motherhood, what it had meant so far and what I want it to mean in the future.

The confidence that this group, and especially Catrin’s leadership of this group, has given me has been life altering.

I am certainly walking away from this group with a better understanding of myself. Despite it not being the aim at all, Catrin through the work of the group, has brought me face to face with the esteem issues I have around my body and I have been confronted with how debilitating they had become. I am starting to work to really change this view of myself and my writing practice has been instrumental in this.

It has been the most enriching group I have ever had the fortune to join.

[NMWC] gives new mums time and space to develop their sense of self and the ability to consider how they want to grow their relationships with those around them. Every mum should take the time to do this course and give themselves the space to consider their place and value within society.

Such an open, non-judgmental tone and curated a space where I, and I think everyone present, felt able to be totally themselves - which is a rare and special thing. I was amazed at how honest and vulnerable the conversations became as the weeks went on.

Having never really written before and certainly never having shared any writing I am really proud of how much I have developed with the help and support of the group. I found so much comfort in hearing everyone’s stories of motherhood, I felt so much less alone.

I’ve learned to be proud of who I am as a mother and how to be patient and kind with myself. In many ways I’ve learned how to turn the maternal gaze onto myself.

This course gives an intelligent, compassionate and comprehensive look at motherhood which is simply not available anywhere else.

Although my writing has improved through it, I find it near impossible to express in words how much [NMWC] has meant to me.

The fundamental ethos of the non advice-giving space and the golden rule of "you don't have to be nice, but you have to be kind" means this is a truly unique experience from other mum and baby groups, and you really do feel like you've let your hair down as you walk away from each session - even if you are an emotional, tired wreck and baby screamed the whole session!

NMWC taught me to listen - not just to others - but to myself properly and also that all of what I feel is completely valid.

I learned that a lot of the emotions I have experienced are shared by other mums and that writing is a really helpful way to process these feelings - as well as to share them with my partner.

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